
Meeting Agenda

Page history last edited by PBworks 4 years, 2 months ago

Using a standard meeting template for all of your meetings can save you a lot of time and provide a much better documentation of your organization's decision-making.


Remember, you can create your own customized version of any PBworks template simply by tagging that page with the keyword "template".  From then on, any user of your workspace will be able to use your page template.


Meeting Topic: PBworks Launch Meeting



  • David Weekly
  • Ramit Sethi
  • Nathan Schmidt



10 AM, March 1, 2008, Main Conference Room



  • 10 minutes: What's going well
  • 10 minutes: What needs improvement
  • 10 minutes: Open issues
  • 30 minutes: Discussion of the key issue of the week
  • 5 minutes: Wrap-up



  • If you are having a physical meeting, the ideal is to project this page on the wall and add to it as the meeting occurs.
  • This has two extremely positive effects
    • It ensures that all the meeting attendees agree on the notes
    • It eliminates the need for retyping notes later on


Action Items

  • As the meeting progresses, add any action items to this section to make sure they don't get forgotten or dropped
  • During the wrap-up phase of the meeting, review the notes and add any additional action items that spring to mind
  • Each action item should specify the task, the person responsible, and the due date.  Here is an example:
  • Finalize and publish list of new features to PBworks.com Web site (Ramit Sethi, by 3/15/2008)

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